Cover letters… *sigh*

If there is anything job seekers dislike more than resumes, it’s cover letters. It’s hard to tell if the employer ACTUALLY reads your cover letter when they require it in your application. And how do you make sure your cover letter doesn’t repeat exactly what’s on your resume? The best way for me to think about the difference between cover letters and resumes is like this—

  • Your resume is your list of skills and qualifications. This is how the employer can quickly see if you meet minimum qualifications for the position. Do you have the experience they seek?

  • Your cover letter is your story. What have you learned from the roles that you’ve been in? What examples can you share about your previous work experiences that highlight how you’ve effectively used the skills on your resume? What are the 2-3 experiences from your resume that you want to highlight and go more into detail about?

Cover Letter Tips:

  • Go back to the job description — Just like with your resume, compare your experience to the job description. Pick 2-3 skills or experiences that you have that align with the job description and detail those in your cover letter. I like to think about writing a cover letter like writing a basic essay. Start the first paragraph as an introduction — who are you and what are the experiences you are going to go into detail about below? Use the body of your cover letter to go further into depth about each of the skills and then wrap it all up in a smooth conclusion!

  • Unlike your resume, DO NOT use bullet points — Your cover letter should be written like a formal letter. Start the cover letter with a professional greeting and use full sentences throughout! Think of a cover letter as if it is an example of your written communication skills. Proof read, proof read, proof read!

  • Use confident, positive language — Don’t be afraid to include statements such as:

    • I believe I’m a qualified candidate for this role because…

    • I’m excited to bring my skillset in X to this role…

    • I feel that I’d contribute to the success of COMPANY NAME…

    Your cover letter is where you get to tell the employer why you’re the best candidate for the role! Don’t be afraid to tell them why you’d excel at the position. If you don’t believe it, why would they?

Cover Letter Pitfalls:

  • Don’t forget the examples  — If you are going to highlight a skill, make sure you include a specific example when you used that skill. Reference the particular position you held when you used that skill and the impact that you had. When you include this detail, it helps paint the picture of your experience to the employer.

  • Don’t use the same cover letter for every position — If you are applying to very similar positions, you might use a cover letter that references similar experiences and examples. However, you want to make sure that the cover letter is tailored to each job you are applying to. Make sure you are highlighting the most important skills and experiences that you have that relate to the unique position. Don’t forget to update the company name and position title in each cover letter as well!

  • Don’t be afraid to share your connection to the company’s values, mission, or goals — If you are excited about a position because of the company’s values, missions, or goals be sure to share that! Why do you feel connected to those values? What experiences or examples can you share to highlight your similar value set? If you lack experience, this can be a great way to connect to the company and share your commitment to the organization’s goals.



so tell me about yourself…


Let’s talk resumes