so tell me about yourself…
If there is one question I can *almost* guarantee you will be asked in an interview it’s:
Tell me about yourself.
And I think this question can make or break your interview.
If you can’t create engagement with your interviewer during your answer to this question, it’ll be hard to impress them through the rest of the interview. In this interview answer, you want to make the employer curious about you and your skillset. They know you meet minimum qualifications or else you wouldn’t have made it to the interview stage.
The interview is where they start to see your personality, your communication skills, and learn about your work experiences/stories. You want your introduction to show who you are as a professional and why you are the best candidate for this position. Not just any position. This exact position at this exact company.
Perfect your introduction by…
Going back to the job description — Just like with your resume AND your cover letter, compare your experience to the job description. Pick 2-3 skills you possess that align with the job description and introduce those in your answer. These will be breadcrumbs that you will add more information to in your following interview answers.
Telling a story — Don’t just list out your previous work experiences. Tell your professional story. How can you tie together your past experiences and skills to this exact moment and the job you are applying to you now? What big lessons have you learned from previous jobs? What highlights can you share to give a snapshot of the candidate you are?
Sharing why you are the best candidate for this particular role — When you get to the end of your introduction, wrap it all up with a bow of why you’re the best candidate for this job. Don’t be afraid to include statements such as:
I believe I’m a qualified candidate for this role because…
I’m excited to bring my skillset in X to this role…
I feel that I’d contribute to the success of COMPANY NAME…
In the interview, speak confidently about why you believe you’d excel in this position. If you don’t believe it, why would they?